# | اسم الأستاذ | الكلية | عنوان البحث | اسم المجلة | سنة النشر | ملف البحث | |
1 | أحمد سعدون حسين | كلية العلوم | الكشف الجزيئي عن بعض جينات الضراوة ومقاومة المضادات الحيوية في سلالات المكورات العنقودية الذهبية المعزولة من مرض التهاب الضرع البقري في محافظة ميسان | مجلة القطب الشمالي | 2019 | ||
2 | أحمد سعدون حسين | كلية العلوم | الكشف الجزيئي والتشخيص الجيني لبكتيريا المكورات العنقودية الذهبية المعزولة من حليب الأبقار الملوث في محافظة ميسان، العراق | أرشيف النباتات | 2019 | ||
3 | محمد كامل حساني | كلية العلوم | Arginine supplementation prevent diabetes mellitus complication on myopathy and visceral organs (liver&pancreas)in experimental model | Qadisiyah Journal | 2019 | ||
4 | محمد عبد الرحيم سعيد | كلية العلوم | Dry Reforming of Waste Polymers in Horizontal Reactor to Syngas Production | Chemical Engineering Transaction | 2019 | ||
5 | علي خلف علي غضب | كلية العلوم | Comparative histological study of skin in Jenubi and its crossbreed cow | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2019 | 3jogh51iwdzyut0.pdf | |
6 | علي خلف علي غضب | كلية العلوم | HAEMO-BIOCHEMICAL AND IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL CHANGES ASSOCIATED ADMINISTRATION OFCRUDE OIL TO THE MALE RATS | Biochem. Cell. Arch | 2019 | i6k2g9_auy3me07.pdf | |
7 | علي طه صالح طه | كلية العلوم | Synthesis, Investigation and Theoretical Study of Enamine Complexes with Co(III) and Ni(II) by Using I.R , NMR and DFT | Arctic Journal | 2019 | ||
8 | علاء حسين خنوبه | كلية العلوم | Discovering The Right Treatments For; Diabetes (2), Blood's Pressure, and Relating Diseases. | archives of pharmacy and phamaceutical sciences | 2019 | 0bd8woyr6cp2tjn.pdf | |
9 | زينب عبد الجبار رضا | كلية العلوم | Biochemical parameter evaluation Buffalos and Cows with brucellosis in Missan Province | Journal of the University of Garmian | 2019 | ||
10 | زينب عبد الجبار رضا | كلية العلوم | Study the Some Semen Parameters of Fertile and Infertile Male in Misan Province | Journal of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics | 2019 | ||
11 | زينب عبد الجبار رضا | كلية العلوم | EVALUATION OF THE LIPID PROFILE IN TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS IN MISAN PROVINCE | Biochem. Cell. Arch. | 2019 | ||
12 | اسراء ابراهيم لازم | كلية العلوم | تقدير تراكيز الهيدروكربونات النفطية الكلية في الماء والرواسب ونوعين من النباتات المائية في هور الحويزه في محافظة ميسان - جنوبي العراق | مجلة ابحاث ميسان | 2019 | ||
13 | باقر عبيد ثعبان | كلية العلوم | InTlSb quantum dot structures | Elsevier Results in physics | 2019 | ||
14 | باقر عبيد ثعبان | كلية العلوم | InTlSb quantum dot structures | Elsevier Results in physics | 2019 | ||
15 | باقر عبيد ثعبان | كلية العلوم | Spontaneously generated coherence in ladder-plus-Y double quantum dot system | SAGE Publications. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems | 2019 | ||
16 | مرتضى محمد | كلية العلوم | Performance of mixing ratios on the volume of biogas in a batch reactor | Research Journal of Engineering Sciences | 2019 | ||
17 | تحسين صدام فندي | كلية العلوم | Spectrophotometric Determination of Zinc in Pharmaceutical Medication Samples Using 8-Hydroxyquinoline Reagent | International Journal of Chemistry | 2019 | ||
18 | تحسين صدام فندي | كلية العلوم | Identification and Investigation of the Chelating Activity of Some Phenolic Polymers Derived from Mefenamic Acid | Egyptian Journal of Chemistry | 2019 | ||
19 | جاسم عباس حسين | كلية العلوم | Synthesis, Investigation and Theoretical Study of Enamine Complexes with Co(III) and Ni(II) by Using I.R , NMR and DFT | ARCTIC | 2019 | ||
20 | حسين علي مهوس | كلية العلوم | Molecular study of Echinococcus Granulosus in Misan Province, south of Iraq | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | 2019 | ||
21 | رشيد رحيم حتيت | كلية العلوم | Isolation and Identification of Pathogenic Bacterial Species from Refrigerators in Basrah City, South of Iraq | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | 2019 | ||
22 | مسلم عيدان هامل جاسم | كلية العلوم | 3- LOW TEMPERATURE PLASMA DIFFUSION TREATMENT OF AIS316L STAIN STEEL FOR IMPROVED HARDNESS | مجلة ابحاث ميسان | 2019 | ||
23 | زاهد سعدون عزيز | كلية العلوم | Occurrence of Plasmid encoded ESBLs blaCTX-M, blaTEM genes Of E. coli isolated from Clinical cases in Maysan province | International journal of Scientific and Technology Research | 2019 | tzy8u75xskfh03e.pdf | |
24 | زاهد سعدون عزيز | كلية العلوم | PHENOTYPIC AND MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF GENTAMICIN RESISTANCE IN STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS | Plant Archives | 2019 | nl74p53281ux9iw.pdf | |
26 | زاهد سعدون عزيز | كلية العلوم | Phenotypic and Molecular Study of mecA Gene in MRSA Isolated from Clinical Cases in Misan Province/Iraq | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | 2019 | ||
27 | زاهد سعدون عزيز | كلية العلوم | Molecular Detection of Some Virulence and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Staphylococcus aureus Strains Isolated from Bovine Mastitis in Maysan Province | ARCTIC Journal | 2019 | ||
28 | زاهد سعدون عزيز | كلية العلوم | Using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting technique to analyze genetic variation in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from different sources in Babylon Province … | Indian Journal of Public Health | 2019 | u1ofwdjv98qm4la.pdf | |
29 | ميثم عبد الكاظم دراغ | كلية العلوم | Amplification of the Y1.7,Y1.8 and GAPDH genes for sex identification in human by using multiplex PCR. | IJCRBP | 2019 | ||
30 | منذر عبد الحسن خضير | كلية العلوم | Synthesis, Characterization and DFT Study of Bioactive 2‐[(2‐Methylpropanoyl) amino] propanoic Acid and Its Polymeric Tributyltin (IV) Derivative | ChemistrySelect | 2019 | ||
31 | منذر عبد الحسن خضير | كلية العلوم | Chemical vapor deposition of tin sulfide from diorganotin (IV) dixanthates | Journal of Materials Science | 2019 | ||
32 | ضياء بدر حبش | كلية العلوم | Mask-free patterning and selective CVD-growth of 2D-TMDCs semiconductors | Semiconductor Science and Technology | 2019 | ||
33 | ضياء بدر حبش | كلية العلوم | Dielectric Loss of Boron-Based Dielectrics on Niobium resonators | Journal of Low Temperature Physics | 2019 | ||
34 | زهراء عبد الحسين أسماعيل | كلية العلوم | Determination of Boron Concentrations in Soil Samples of Alkhlaa and Al-Masharah Areas, Misan Province, Iraq. | Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 2019 | o07jcnaylwe3q15.pdf | |
35 | زهراء عبد الحسين أسماعيل | كلية العلوم | Measure the rate of Radiation Activity in Soil sample from the depth of Sindbad land in Basrah Governorate | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2019 | uxlc8s43h9gk_71.pdf | |
36 | زهراء عبد الحسين أسماعيل | كلية العلوم | Determination of Uranium Concentrations in Brick Samples from Misan Province-Iraq, Using Kinetic Phosphorescence Analyzer (KPA). | Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 2019 | 9sr6txi5cdy3u10.pdf | |
37 | احمد خلف زغير | كلية العلوم | Using improved firefly algorithm based on genetic algorithm crossover operator for solving optimization problems | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems , Volume 36 (2): | 2019 | n79mpf_shrdluxc.pdf | |
38 | سمر جاسم محمد | كلية العلوم | Impact Of Nacl , KCl , MCl 2 , MgSO 4 And CaCl 2 On The Seed Germination And Seedling Growth Of Cucumber ( Cucumis Sativus cv . mti2 ). SJMR Nuilt | Plant Archives | 2019 | ||
39 | سمر جاسم محمد | كلية العلوم | Impact of NaCl, MgCl2 and CaCl2 on seed germination and seedling growth on turnip (Brassica rapa rapa) SJMR Nuilt | Plant Archives | 2019 | ||
40 | علي عبدالواحد قاسم | كلية العلوم | Effect of Nematode-trapping fungi, Trichoderma harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescens in controlling Meloidogyne spp | Plant Archives | 2019 | 0pzmq8nhwv4ok5l.pdf | |
41 | صبيح جاسم كاطع | كلية العلوم | Spontaneously generated coherence in ladder-plus-Y double quantum dot system | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems | 2019 | ||
42 | شيماء ربيع بعنون | كلية العلوم | Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Fingerprinting Technique to Analyze Genetic Variation in Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Different Sources in Babylon Province Hospitals | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | 2019 | ||
43 | صلاح حسن فرج | كلية العلوم | FSHR Gene Polymorphisms & Protein Structure Changes Of Cattle Bred In Iraq | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH | 2019 | 3y4lorj20gasd1b.pdf | |
44 | احمد هاشم عبود | كلية العلوم | Improving Band Width of Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for 5 GHz Application | Albahir journal | 2019 | 58xoqwgi14k_j3a.pdf | |
45 | احمد هاشم عبود | كلية العلوم | Reconfigurable patch and ground plane microstrip antenna to enhancing bandwidth | ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 2019 | 31ejkuao_ty7240.pdf |
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