عرض التفاصيل

المشرف: الدكتور صادق موسى احمد
اسم الطالب: شهد
الطالب الثاني: رعد
third_student: كريم
العنوان: Rhinosinusitis: study of severity of clinical features versus CT scan findings in chronic type
الوصف: Abstract Introduction: Symptomatology, nasal endoscopy and Computerised Tomographic (CT) scan have been used to diagnose chronic rhinosinusitis. The value of disease severity score in the assessment of chronic rhinosinusitis has not been well investigated. Hence, this study aims to correlate the pre-operative symptom severity score as well as overall disease severity score of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with CT scan scores.
ملف المشروع: 3838893445.pdf
السنة: 2012
الكلية: كلية الطب
القسم: عام
Language : Arabic Change